python - Field content not always visible in kivy Textinput -

i encountering strange/unexpected behaviour when displaying content in textinput field (initially used new record input - subsequently show record data). data available in dictionary , assigned textinput fields. short data characters hidden sometimes:

enter image description here

it seems cursor @ end of string , characters @ left side , 'hidden'(?) behind label. after mouseclick in field , arrow left, characters appear.

enter image description here

what wrong in kv definitions? :

boxlayout:     orientation: "horizontal"     height: 25     size_hint_y: none     label:         id: _socialsource_label         size_hint: 0.35,1         text: "social access token:"         size: self.texture_size         halign: 'left'         valign: 'middle'         font_size: 14         color: .3,.3,.3,1      textinput:         id: socialsource         padding: 4,2,4,0         size_hint: 0.65,1         font_size: 14         multiline: false         readonly: false         text_size: self.width, none         halign: 'left'         foreground_color: .3,.3,.3,1         disabled_foreground_color: .3,.3,.3,1         background_normal: './images/tinputbgnormal.png'         background_active: './images/tinputbgactive.png'         background_disabled_normal: './images/tinputbgdisnormal.png'         background_disabled_active: './images/tinputbgdisactive.png' 

in python code data assigned by:

self.socialchnl.text = projdict[0]['prjsocchnl:'] self.socialsource.text = projdict[0]['prjsocsrc:'] self.socialprovdr.text = projdict[0]['prjsocprv:'] 

you hint_text instead of text textinputs. like

        mytextinput:             id: social             hint_text: some_social_name 


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