python - Blob detection using OpenCV -
i trying white blob detection using opencv. script failed detect big white block goal while small blobs detected. new opencv, , doing wrong when using simpleblobdetection in opencv? [solved partially, please read below]
and here script:
#!/usr/bin/python # standard imports import cv2 import numpy np; matplotlib import pyplot plt # read image im = cv2.imread('whiteborder.jpg', cv2.imread_grayscale) imfiltered = cv2.inrange(im,255,255) #opening kernel = np.ones((5,5)) opening = cv2.morphologyex(imfiltered,cv2.morph_open,kernel) #write out filtered image cv2.imwrite('colorfiltered.jpg',opening) # setup simpleblobdetector parameters. params = cv2.simpleblobdetector_params() params.blobcolor= 255 params.filterbycolor = true # create detector parameters ver = (cv2.__version__).split('.') if int(ver[0]) < 3 : detector = cv2.simpleblobdetector(params) else : detector = cv2.simpleblobdetector_create(params) # detect blobs. keypoints = detector.detect(opening) # draw detected blobs green circles. # cv2.draw_matches_flags_draw_rich_keypoints ensures # size of circle corresponds size of blob print str(keypoints) im_with_keypoints = cv2.drawkeypoints(opening, keypoints, np.array([]), (0,255,0), cv2.draw_matches_flags_draw_rich_keypoints) # show blobs ##cv2.imshow("keypoints", im_with_keypoints) cv2.imwrite('keypoints.jpg',im_with_keypoints) cv2.waitkey(0)
by adding bigger value of area maximum value, able identify big blob end goal identify big white rectangle exist or not. , white blob detection did returns not rectangle surrounding areas well. [this part solved]
edit 2:
based on answer @pschn, update code apply logic, first set color filter white pixels , remove noise point using opening. works sample data , can keypoint after blob detection.
if want detect white rectangle can try set higher threshold, e.g. 253, erase small object opening , take biggest blob. first smoothed image, thresholding it:
and opening:
now have use findcontours
, take boundingrect
. if rectangle white should work. if lower 251 threshold other small blobs appear , region merges them, here:
then still opening several times , this:
but dont think fastest idea ;)
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