php - custom validation error format laravel 5.2 -

i want custom validation json response api. right default error message this

{"password":["the password must @ least 6 characters."],"type":["the type field required."]} 

i want

{flag:0,msg:"the password must @ least 6 characters.",data:{"password":["the password must @ least 6 characters."],"type":["the type field required."]}} 

and want format rest api only. how can achieve it.

i found solution.

i chnaged parent controller , added formatvalidationerrors method. here is

namespace app\http\controllers; use illuminate\foundation\bus\dispatchesjobs; use illuminate\routing\controller basecontroller; use illuminate\foundation\validation\validatesrequests; use illuminate\foundation\auth\access\authorizesrequests; use illuminate\foundation\auth\access\authorizesresources; use illuminate\contracts\validation\validator; class controller extends basecontroller {     use authorizesrequests, authorizesresources, dispatchesjobs, validatesrequests;      protected function formatvalidationerrors(validator $validator)     {         $res = $validator->errors()->all();         if(\request::wantsjson())         {             $res = ["flag" => 0,                     "msg" => $validator->errors()->first()];             $res['data'] = $validator->errors()->all();         }         return $res;     } } 


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