python - NoReverseMatch Reverse for 'profile_user' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found -

@login_required  def profile_edit(request):      profile, created = userprofile.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user)     form = userprofileform( or none, request.files or none, instance=profile)     if form.is_valid():         instance =         instance.user = request.user         return redirect('profile_user')      context = {         "title": 'edit profile',         "form":form,     }     return render(request, 'profiles/userprofile_form.html', context) 

main url there no name space given , profile url follows.

url(r'^profile/(?p<username>[\w.@+-]+)$', profile_view, name='profile_user'), 

could solve please?

your url requires named argument username. have give redirect() keyword argument. example:

redirect('view-name', username='joe') 


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