java - Does Spring Data MongoDb support $filter array aggregations operator? -

i'm trying implement in spring data using mongotemplate following working mongodb query:

db.answers.aggregate([         { "$match" : { "object_id" : "1" } },         { "$project": { 'answer_list': 1, 'profile': { $filter : { input: '$answer_list', as: 'answer', cond: { $eq: [ '$$answer.question', 2 ] } } } } },         { "$unwind" : "$profile"},         { "$unwind" : "$answer_list"},         { "$group" : { "_id" : { "question" : "$answer_list.question", "answer" : "$answer_list.answer", "criteria" : "$profile.answer"}, "count" : { "$sum" : 1 } } },         { "$sort" : { "_id.question" : 1, "_id.answer" : 1 } } ]); 

the collection has structure:

{ "_id" : objectid("..."), "object_id" : objectid("..."), "answer_list" : [      {         "question" : numberlong(0),         "answer" : numberlong(0)     },      {         "question" : numberlong(1),         "answer" : numberlong(2)     },      {         "question" : numberlong(2),         "answer" : numberlong(2)     } ]} 

what i'm trying here report on simple survey submission data. question "how did users answered 0 first question answer second question?" spent day searching springdata mongo db docs found nothing. can help?


you can workaround issue providing own aggregationexpression.

projectionoperation agg = aggregation.project() //        .and(new aggregationexpression() {          @override         public dbobject todbobject(aggregationoperationcontext context) {            dbobject filterexpression = new basicdbobject();           filterexpression.put("input", "$answer_list");           filterexpression.put("as", "answer");           filterexpression.put("cond", new basicdbobject("$eq2", arrays.<object> aslist("$$answer.question", 2)));            return new basicdbobject("$filter", filterexpression);         }       }).as("profile"); 


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