c# - Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=' in .NET Core -

unhandled exception: system.io.filenotfoundexception: not load file or assembly 'system.runtime, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file specified.     @ system.modulehandle.resolvetype(runtimemodule module, int32 typetoken, intptr* typeinstargs, int32 typeinstcount, intptr* methodinstargs, int32 methodinstcount, objecthandleonstack type)    @ system.modulehandle.resolvetypehandleinternal(runtimemodule module, int32 typetoken, runtimetypehandle[] typeinstantiationcontext, runtimetypehandle[] methodinstantiationcontext)    @ system.reflection.runtimemodule.resolvetype(int32 metadatatoken, type[] generictypearguments, type[] genericmethodarguments)    @ system.reflection.customattribute.filtercustomattributerecord(customattributerecord carecord, metadataimport scope, assembly& lastaptcaokassembly, runtimemodule decoratedmodule, metadatatoken decoratedtoken, runtimetype attributefiltertype, boolean mustbeinheritable, object[] attributes, ilist derivedattributes, runtimetype& attributetype, iruntimemethodinfo& ctor, boolean& ctorhasparameters, boolean& isvararg)    @ system.reflection.customattribute.getcustomattributes(runtimemodule decoratedmodule, int32 decoratedmetadatatoken, int32 pcacount, runtimetype attributefiltertype, boolean mustbeinheritable, ilist derivedattributes, boolean isdecoratedtargetsecuritytransparent)    @ system.reflection.customattribute.getcustomattributes(runtimeassembly assembly, runtimetype catype)    @ system.attribute.getcustomattributes(assembly element, type attributetype, boolean inherit)    @ system.appdomain.gettargetframeworkname() 

i using assemblyloadcontext in application have "system.runtime.loader": "4.0.0" dependency after publish project have above error.

dotnet --version 1.0.0-preview2-003121  {   "version": "1.0.0-*",   "buildoptions": {     "emitentrypoint": true   },    "dependencies": {     "microsoft.netcore.app": {       "type": "platform",       "version": "1.0.0"     },     "commandlineargumentsparser": "3.0.4",     "system.runtime.loader": "4.0.0",     "microsoft.extensions.dependencymodel": "1.0.0",     "system.runtime": "4.1.0"   },    "frameworks": {     "netcoreapp1.0": {       "imports": "dnxcore50"     }   } } 

with visual studio can run application dotnet command line have above error. can me ?

'dotnet restore' in project folder? (i met such problem rc2 -> project.lock.json didn't contain link lib right arch after 'restore' on solution level)


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