pipe - How to use multiple checkbox to filter data in Angular 2 -

i'm creating filter page angular 2. data being filtered depending on checkboxes checked.

this html

    <input required type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="value1" (change)="togglefilter(kind.value)" #kind/>     filter option 1      <input required type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="value2" (change)="togglefilter(kind2.value)" #kind2 />     filter option 2      <input required type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="value3" (change)="togglefilter(kind3.value)" #kind3 />     filter option 3   <div *ngfor="let item of (items | filterpipe: filterformat)">     {{item.id}} {{item-title}} </div> 

this piece of item component. in togglefilter() i'm population array filteroptions values of checkbox. get filterformat() returns populated array , places argument in filterpipe (which located in html)

filteroptions: [] = [];  togglefilter(value: any) {      let index = this.filteroptions.indexof(value);      if (index > -1) {       this.filteroptions.splice(index, 1);     } else {       this.filteroptions.push(value);     }      return this.filteroptions; }  filterformat() {    console.log('call filterformat');    return this.filteroptions.map(res => res); } 

how can use checkboxes pipe arguments in able filter data?


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