php - Arrow key and mouse navigation for AJAX Live search -

i using below code autocomplete feature in webpage. problem not able navigate through suggestion using mouse pointer. if up/down key pressed once after list item refreshed mouse pointer navigation working fine.

  1. could please suggest code change make mouse pointer , keyboard navigation work navigation in html select option?
  2. how can improve scrolling of suggestion list using up/down key?


<div class="field-wrap">  <input type="text" id="college"  placeholder="college name" required autocomplete="off"/> <ul id="college_list"></ul>  </div> 


.field-wrap ul {     width: 93%;     margin-top: 1px;     border: 1px solid #3498db;     position: absolute;     z-index: 9;     background: #0f0f0f;     list-style: none;     max-height: 100px;     overflow-y:auto; }  .field-wrap ul li {     padding: 2px;     border: solid grey;     border-width: 0 0 2px 0; }   #college_list {     display: none; }  .selected {     background: #2980b9; } 


// livesearch : function executed every time change text function livesearch() {     var min_length = 1; // min caracters display autocomplete     var keyword = $.trim($('#college').val());     if (keyword.length >= min_length) {         $.ajax({             url: 'livesearch.php',             type: 'post',             data: {keyword:keyword},             success:function(data){                 $('#college_list').show();                 $('#college_list').html(data);             }            });      } else {         $('#college_list').hide();     } }  // set_item : function executed when select item function set_item(item) {      // change input value     $('#college').val(item);      // after selecting item, update list item , hide proposition list      var min_length = 1; // min caracters display autocomplete     var keyword = $('#college').val();         if (keyword.length >= min_length) {             $.ajax({                 url: 'livesearch.php',                 type: 'post',                 data: {keyword:keyword},                 success:function(data){                     $('#college_list').hide();                     $('#college_list').html(data);                 }             });         }  }  // display or hide list based on focus in search box  $('#college').focus(function() {      livesearch();      $(document).bind('',function(e) {         if ($('#college, #college').length) return;         $(document).unbind('#college');         $('#college_list').fadeout('medium');     });  });   // disable default behaviour of form submit when enter pressed livesearch text box  $('#college').bind('keypress keydown keyup', function(e){        if(e.keycode == 13 ) { e.preventdefault(); } });   // livesearch list or navigate , select list item based on keyup events   $('#college').keyup(function(e) {         var $listitems = $('.field-wrap li');     var key = e.keycode,         $selected = $listitems.filter('.selected'),         $current;   // search text pattern in database if key pressed not up/down/enter       if ( key != 40 && key != 38 && key != 13 ) livesearch();       $listitems.removeclass('selected');  // navigate or select list item based on up/down/enter key pressed if list visible      if($('#college_list').is(':visible')) {          var menu = $('#college_list');         var height = $selected.outerheight(); //height of <li>         var top = menu.scrolltop(); //current top of scroll window         var menuheight = menu[0].scrollheight; //full height of <ul>          if ( key == 40 ) // down key         {             if ( ! $selected.length || $':last-child') ) {                 $current = $listitems.eq(0);                 menu.scrolltop(0);             }             else {                 $current = $;                 menu.scrolltop(top + height);             }                 $current.addclass('selected');                   }          if ( key == 38 ) // key         {             if ( ! $selected.length || $':first-child') ) {                 $current = $listitems.last();                    menu.scrolltop(menuheight + height);             }             else {                 $current = $selected.prev();                 menu.scrolltop(top - height);             }             $current.addclass('selected');         }          if ( key == 13 ) // enter key         {             $current = $selected;          // if selected text in list not blank change text in search box else hide list , retain entered text in search box              if($current.addclass('selected').text()!='') {                 set_item( $current.addclass('selected').text() );             }             else {                 $('#college_list').fadeout('medium');             }         }      }          $('#college_list li').mousemove(function() {             $('.field-wrap li').removeclass('selected');             $(this).addclass('selected');         }); }); 


<?php // pdo connect ********* function connect() {     return new pdo('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=expertreaders', 'root', '', array(pdo::attr_errmode => pdo::errmode_exception, pdo::mysql_attr_init_command => "set names utf8")); }  $pdo = connect(); $keyword = '%'.$_post['keyword'].'%'; $sql = "select * colleges college_name (:keyword) order college_name asc"; $query = $pdo->prepare($sql); $query->bindparam(':keyword', $keyword, pdo::param_str); $query->execute(); $list = $query->fetchall(); foreach ($list $rs) {     // put in bold written text     $college_name = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($_post['keyword'], "/") . '/i', "<b><font color=green>\$0</font></b>", $rs['college_name']);     // add new option     echo '<li onclick="set_item(\''.str_replace("'", "\'", $rs['college_name']).'\')">'.$college_name.'</li>'; }  ?> 

thanks in advance.

the mouse navigation working after key press because defined mousemove event handler inside keyup event. , dynamically created html contents use $(document).bind or $(document).on functions event handler. there duplicate event handlers in code. necessory? eg:

$('#college').bind('keypress keydown keyup', function(e){        if(e.keycode == 13 ) { e.preventdefault(); } });   // livesearch list or navigate , select list item based on keyup events   $('#college').keyup(function(e) {         var $listitems = $('.field-wrap li');     var key = e.keycode,         $selected = $listitems.filter('.selected'),         $current; 

use single handler , apply conditions.

if(e.keycode == 13 ) { //do stuff  } else { //do else } 

try answer. pardon me if wrong


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