c - Strcmp wont return zero for same two same strings -

i reading in csv file using fscanf has 2 fields.

datatype_t*read(file* fp) {  char name[66];  char data[1466];  if (fscanf(fp, "%[^,] %[^\n]", name, data) == 2) {     datatype_t *d = (datatype_t*)malloc(sizeof(datatype_t));     d->name = strdup(name);     d->data = strdup(data); return d; } return null; } 

csv file data following

mr dave,school teacher
sachin,staff member

now reading text file has data in it.

char buffer[66];     if (fgets(buffer,sizeof buffer, fp) != null ) {         keydata_t *k = (keydata_t*)malloc(sizeof(keydata_t));         size_t len = strlen(buffer);     if(buffer > 0 &&  buffer[len-1] == '\n'){         buffer[--len] = '\0'; } k->name = strdup(buffer); return k; } return null; } 

data of txt file looks this.
mr dave
mr tim

now when compare data strings:

new_ptr = root;  while((keyt = read_key(keyfile))!= null){      printf("%s\n", keyt->name);     printf("%s\n", root->key);     if(strcmp(keyt->name, root->key) == 0){         printf("match\n");     }     else if(strcmp(keyt->name, root->key) > 0){         printf("not equal\n");     }     else if (strcmp(keyt->name, root->key) < 0){         printf("not equal\n");     }     new_ptr = search(new_ptr, keyt); } 

it keeps printing
not equal
mr dave there should match. cant seem figure out problem two.

from man fgets:

fgets reads in @ 1 less size characters stream , stores them buffer pointed s. reading stops after eof or newline. if newline read, stored buffer. terminating null byte (aq\0aq) stored after last character in buffer.

fscanf does not store newline in buffer.

please try checking last symbol of keyt->name , remove if newline


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