R tm package will not load to R studio -

i have been trying load tm text mining package onto r studio number of hours now. have tried have come across online doesnt appear work. started

install.packages('tm', dependencies = true) 

and given following error

installing package ‘d:/users/byrne/documents/r/win-library/3.2’ (as ‘lib’ unspecified) warning in install.packages :   dependencies ‘slam’, ‘rcampdf’, ‘rgraphviz’, ‘rpoppler’, ‘tm.lexicon.generalinquirer’ not available trying url 'https://cran.rstudio.com/bin/windows/contrib/3.2/tm_0.6-2.zip' content type 'application/zip' length 710948 bytes (694 kb) downloaded 694 kb 

when try load package using


i error

loading required package: nlp error in loadnamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libpaths()), versioncheck = vi[[i]]) :    there no package called ‘slam’ error: package or namespace load failed ‘tm’ 

i have loaded nlp , tried load 'slam'. tells me not available on r version 3.2.3. updated 3.2.5 , still gives me same message. have changed cran mirror mutliple different locations , still same error.

any appreciated i'm stumped now.

use command

install.packages("tm", repos="http://r-forge.r-project.org")


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