ios - Delete operation via lambda functions -

  let calcium = set([         ":calcium"     ])     if (editingstyle == uitableviewcelleditingstyle.delete) {         // handle delete (by removing data aws)         let lambdainvoker = awslambdainvoker.defaultlambdainvoker()         let jsonobject: [string: anyobject] = [             "tablename":  "diafitmessages",             "operation": "update" ,             //import email other view controller -> public variable             "key": ["email": email],             "updateexpression": "delete #date :responses",             "expressionattributenames": [                 "#date": currentdate             ],             "expressionattributevalues": [                 ":responses": calcium             ],             "returnvalues": "none"         ]         let task = lambdainvoker.invokefunction("handlerdiafit", jsonobject: jsonobject)         task.continuewithblock { (task: awstask) -> anyobject? in             if task.error != nil {                 print(task.error)               } else {                 print("deleted")] 

for reason keep getting *** terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinvalidargumentexception', reason: 'invalid type in json write (_ttgcs22_nativesetstorageownerss_)' though currentdate correct string , responses set.


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