The State of the Union Address; A National Prognosis or a Political Rally? Policy Analyst, Curtis Greco, Says it's "More like a Stress Test!"

Santa Rosa, CA (PRWEB) January 23, 2012

As the GOP hunt for a Nominee continues, The Foundation?s lead researcher, Carmen Mete, has been following the cycle closely and recently commented that, ?the dynamics of the process has done more to accentuate the political divide which exists among the U.S. Voting Public far more than any attribute of the Candidates.? He goes on to say that, ?Although the divide is palpable the cause seems quite difficult to identify but after reading Curtis Greco?s recent article, It?s Not About Jobs; It?s About Clarity, I believe he nailed it when writing: ?Americans are not simply voting for a future, they are looking to replace a known and specific failure and as dysfunctional as Congress may be the root cause lies squarely at the doors of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.? and his right.?

Curtis Greco appears frequently across the U.S. and Canada and over the past several months and during a recent appearance with Joe Galuski of WSYR-NY, he was asked for his thoughts regarding the ?re-election prospects of the President.? He replied: ? President Obama is going to be a victim of one of his patriarchs,? Saul Alinsky, specific guidelines: ?Make opponents live up to their own rules.? and this very rule will be used against him. The President himself stated, ?If I don?t have this done in three years then there?s going to be a one-term proposition.? Everything you see the President due from this point forward will be dedicated to relieving himself of the predictable consequence of his own testimony and I fully expect to see him move to attack-mode in the worse possible venue of all; The State of the Union Address.?

Greco?s most recent commentary, Grasping at Flaws, released nationally over the weekend and an excerpt from this article addresses, directly, the subject at hand. He writes, ?Given that the U.S. Economy and Political Processes are so thoroughly contaminated and the flaws so conspicuously horrific; what is it that the Candidate knows which keeps them from taking advantage of an opportunity for distinguishing themselves before the American Voter in a way that would demonstrate their understanding of the problem(s), a command of the processes at work having created the problem(s) and the ability to articulate these contaminants along with a specific and deliberate strategy for attacking each of them? I should think that the American People would want an answer to this question?.? Lead Researcher, Carmen Mete, spoke on the phone with Mr. Greco and asked him about this statement and how it relates to his preview of the State of the Union Address; ?It?s quite simple Carmen, the President finds himself in an irreconcilable situation as he is unable to point to a single success in response to the demands of the American Public. Here is what you will see on the evening of January 24th: A President that is going to define the line of separation between himself and attributions of failure which he will assign to the ?do nothing congress? interspersed with re-tread agenda wrapped in a colorful phrase such as ?we?ve got more to do? the success of which will be predicated on an extended tour of duty.?

Greco?s articles can be seen with regularity in various publications however feel free to source and view each of his commentaries online at The Imperfect Messenger Foundations website.

The Blind-Vision Series: We Hold These Truths, Value Given, Value Received and Valor in Prosperity 2nd Edition are Available Now online and through your local bookseller!

The Imperfect Messenger Foundation - Changing the conversation; One American at a time!

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Curtis C. Greco, Author & Founder of The Imperfect Messenger Foundation is a provocative and engaging speaker and writer covering a variety of topics including ?kinetic behavioral dynamics? and socio-political, economic and corporal philosophies. Combining his commitment to life-long study, his formal education, 13 years in public accounting and 20 years in real estate portfolio management, development, financial and economic analysis; he brings a broad and seasoned knowledge base in dynamic and captivating form.

?Man must be Free for Independence to be at Liberty to be expressed!? C. Greco



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