javascript - Trouble displaying Native Ads in Mobile Web in AngularJS view -

in angularjs application attempting add facebook native web ad 1 of views. followed steps outlined in documentation generate necessary html snippet , added view.

my application using ui-router resolve routes. when visiting route/view containing code snippet fb ad not displayed , neither of callbacks invoked (onadloaded or onaderror).

facebook generated html snippet (added view):

<div style="display:none; position: relative;">     <iframe style="display:none;"></iframe>     <script type="text/javascript">         var data = {             placementid: 'xxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx',             format: 'native',             testmode: true,             onadloaded: function (element) {                 console.log('audience network ad loaded');        = 'block';             },             onaderror: function (errorcode, errormessage) {                 console.log('audience network error (' + errorcode + ') ' + errormessage);             }         };         (function (w, l, d, t) {             var = t();             var b = d.currentscript || (function () {                         var c = d.getelementsbytagname('script');                         return c[c.length - 1];                     })();             var e = b.parentelement;             e.dataset.placementid = data.placementid;             var f = function (v) {                 try {                     return v.document.referrer;                 } catch (e) {                 }                 return '';             };             var g = function (h) {                 var = h.indexof('/', h.indexof('://') + 3);                 if (i === -1) {                     return h;                 }                 return h.substring(0, i);             };             var j = [l.href];             var k = false;             var m = false;             if (w !== w.parent) {                 var n;                 var o = w;                 while (o !== n) {                     var h;                     try {                         m = m || (o.$sf && o.$sf.ext);                         h = o.location.href;                     } catch (e) {                         k = true;                     }                     j.push(h || f(n));                     n = o;                     o = o.parent;                 }             }             var p = l.ancestororigins;             if (p) {                 if (p.length > 0) {                     data.domain = p[p.length - 1];                 } else {                     data.domain = g(j[j.length - 1]);                 }             }             data.url = j[j.length - 1];    = g(j[0]);             data.width = screen.width;             data.height = screen.height;             data.pixelratio = w.devicepixelratio;             data.placementindex = w.adnw && ? : 0;             data.crossdomain = k;             data.safeframe = !!m;             var q = {};             q.iframe = e.firstelementchild;             var r = '';             (var s in data) {                 q[s] = data[s];                 if (typeof(data[s]) !== 'function') {                     r += '&' + s + '=' + encodeuricomponent(data[s]);                 }             }             q.iframe.src = r;             q.tagjsinittime = a;             q.rootelement = e;    = [];             w.addeventlistener('message', function (u) {                 if (u.source !== q.iframe.contentwindow) {                     return;                 }        = t();                 if (this.sdkeventhandler) {                     this.sdkeventhandler(;                 } else {           ;                 }             }.bind(q), false);             q.tagjsiframeappendedtime = t();             w.adnw = w.adnw || {};    = || [];   ;             w.adnw.init && w.adnw.init(q);         })(window, location, document, || function () {                     return +new date;                 });     </script>     <script type="text/javascript" src="" async></script>     <style>         .thirdpartyroot {             background-color: white;             color: #444;             border: 1px solid #ccc;             border-left: 0;             border-right: 0;             font-family: sans-serif;             font-size: 14px;             line-height: 16px;             width: 320px;             text-align: left;             position: relative;         }          .thirdpartymediaclass {             width: 320px;             height: 168px;             margin: 12px 0;         }          .thirdpartysubtitleclass {             font-size: 18px;             -webkit-line-clamp: 1;             overflow: hidden;             text-overflow: ellipsis;             display: -webkit-box;             height: 16px;             -webkit-box-orient: vertical;         }          .thirdpartytitleclass {             padding-right: 12px;             line-height: 18px;             -webkit-line-clamp: 2;             overflow: hidden;             text-overflow: ellipsis;             display: -webkit-box;             height: 36px;             -webkit-box-orient: vertical;         }          .thirdpartycalltoactionclass {             background-color: #416bc4;             color: white;             border-radius: 4px;             padding: 6px 20px;             float: right;             text-align: center;             text-transform: uppercase;             font-size: 11px;         }          .fbdefaultnativeadwrapper {             font-size: 12px;             line-height: 14px;             margin: 12px 0;             height: 36px;             vertical-align: top;         }     </style>     <div class="thirdpartyroot">         <a class="fbadlink">             <div class="fbadmedia thirdpartymediaclass"></div>             <div class="fbadsubtitle thirdpartysubtitleclass"></div>             <div class="fbdefaultnativeadwrapper">                 <div class="fbadcalltoaction thirdpartycalltoactionclass"></div>                 <div class="fbadtitle thirdpartytitleclass"></div>             </div>         </a>     </div> </div> 

i noticed facebook audience network js loaded asynchronously , suspected might have race condition causing issue.

<script type="text/javascript" src="" async></script> 

to test this, i've moved fb code snippet out of view , spa index.html. ad appears expected. callback fbadnw.js script call once script loaded? closure within fb generated code being invoked before fbadnw.js loaded perhaps?

index.html (works)

    <!doctype html>     <html ng-app="kcl-app">     <head>         <base href="/">         <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">         <title ng-bind="pagetitle"></title>     </head>     <body>      <!-- ui-router view -->     <div ui-view></div>   <!-- fb begin -->     <div class="fb-native">         <div style="display:none; position: relative;">             <iframe style="display:none;"></iframe>             <script type="text/javascript">                 var data = {                     placementid: 'xxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxx',                     format: 'native',                     testmode: true,                     onadloaded: function (element) {                         console.log('audience network ad loaded');                = 'block';                     },                     onaderror: function (errorcode, errormessage) {                         console.log('audience network error (' + errorcode + ') ' + errormessage);                     }                 };                 (function (w, l, d, t) {                     var = t();                     var b = d.currentscript || (function () {                                 var c = d.getelementsbytagname('script');                                 return c[c.length - 1];                             })();                     var e = b.parentelement;                     e.dataset.placementid = data.placementid;                     var f = function (v) {                         try {                             return v.document.referrer;                         } catch (e) {                         }                         return '';                     };                     var g = function (h) {                         var = h.indexof('/', h.indexof('://') + 3);                         if (i === -1) {                             return h;                         }                         return h.substring(0, i);                     };                     var j = [l.href];                     var k = false;                     var m = false;                     if (w !== w.parent) {                         var n;                         var o = w;                         while (o !== n) {                             var h;                             try {                                 m = m || (o.$sf && o.$sf.ext);                                 h = o.location.href;                             } catch (e) {                                 k = true;                             }                             j.push(h || f(n));                             n = o;                             o = o.parent;                         }                     }                     var p = l.ancestororigins;                     if (p) {                         if (p.length > 0) {                             data.domain = p[p.length - 1];                         } else {                             data.domain = g(j[j.length - 1]);                         }                     }                     data.url = j[j.length - 1];            = g(j[0]);                     data.width = screen.width;                     data.height = screen.height;                     data.pixelratio = w.devicepixelratio;                     data.placementindex = w.adnw && ? : 0;                     data.crossdomain = k;                     data.safeframe = !!m;                     var q = {};                     q.iframe = e.firstelementchild;                     var r = '';                     (var s in data) {                         q[s] = data[s];                         if (typeof(data[s]) !== 'function') {                             r += '&' + s + '=' + encodeuricomponent(data[s]);                         }                     }                     q.iframe.src = r;                     q.tagjsinittime = a;                     q.rootelement = e;            = [];                     w.addeventlistener('message', function (u) {                         if (u.source !== q.iframe.contentwindow) {                             return;                         }                = t();                         if (this.sdkeventhandler) {                             this.sdkeventhandler(;                         } else {                   ;                         }                     }.bind(q), false);                     q.tagjsiframeappendedtime = t();                     w.adnw = w.adnw || {};            = || [];           ;                     w.adnw.init && w.adnw.init(q);                 })(window, location, document, || function () {                             return +new date;                         });             </script>             <script type="text/javascript" src="" async></script>             <style>                 .thirdpartyroot {                     background-color: white;                     color: #444;                     border: 1px solid #ccc;                     border-left: 0;                     border-right: 0;                     font-family: sans-serif;                     font-size: 14px;                     line-height: 16px;                     width: 320px;                     text-align: left;                     position: relative;                 }                  .thirdpartymediaclass {                     width: 320px;                     height: 168px;                     margin: 12px 0;                 }                  .thirdpartysubtitleclass {                     font-size: 18px;                     -webkit-line-clamp: 1;                     overflow: hidden;                     text-overflow: ellipsis;                     display: -webkit-box;                     height: 16px;                     -webkit-box-orient: vertical;                 }                  .thirdpartytitleclass {                     padding-right: 12px;                     line-height: 18px;                     -webkit-line-clamp: 2;                     overflow: hidden;                     text-overflow: ellipsis;                     display: -webkit-box;                     height: 36px;                     -webkit-box-orient: vertical;                 }                  .thirdpartycalltoactionclass {                     background-color: #416bc4;                     color: white;                     border-radius: 4px;                     padding: 6px 20px;                     float: right;                     text-align: center;                     text-transform: uppercase;                     font-size: 11px;                 }                  .fbdefaultnativeadwrapper {                     font-size: 12px;                     line-height: 14px;                     margin: 12px 0;                     height: 36px;                     vertical-align: top;                 }             </style>             <div class="thirdpartyroot">                 <a class="fbadlink">                     <div class="fbadmedia thirdpartymediaclass"></div>                     <div class="fbadsubtitle thirdpartysubtitleclass"></div>                     <div class="fbdefaultnativeadwrapper">                         <div class="fbadcalltoaction thirdpartycalltoactionclass"></div>                         <div class="fbadtitle thirdpartytitleclass"></div>                     </div>                 </a>             </div>         </div>     </div>     <!-- fb end -->       </body>     </html> 

i able resolve issue editing boilerplate code provided fb. in nutshell, provided closure (minified) attempts to:

  1. locate iframe element ad rendered , set it's src , other attributes.
  2. attach event handler listen post messages "message".
  3. initialize ad fb audience network (adnw.init())

my problem assumptions code makes in step 1.

var b = d.currentscript || (function() {     var c = d.getelementsbytagname('script');     return c[c.length - 1]; })(); var e = b.parentelement; 

the above code attempting locate div.

<div style="display:none; position: relative;"> 

it first trying locate parent of last script element on page. brittle and, in case, did not work. last script element added in document not 1 code expected.

i modified code explicitly select correct element id.

added id containing div:

<div id="fb-ad-container" style="display:none; position: relative;"> 

simplify dom parsing code (step 1) select div id:

 var e = d.getelementbyid("fb-ad-container"); 

by selecting correct element id able alleviate need locate current script element. rest of script ran expected.


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