ios - Terminated due to memory issue error since migrating to Swift 3 -

i using ensembles framework sync data icloud. working fine until migrated swift 3.

the framework in objective-c , appdelegate functions have migrated swift 3; have had issues since. call appdelegate.syncwithcompletion throughout app when saving changes nsmanagedobjects.

here's appdelegate functions

// mark: ensembles  var cloudfilesystem: cdecloudfilesystem! var ensemble: cdepersistentstoreensemble!  func syncwithcompletion(completion:@escaping (_ completed:bool) -> void) {      if !ensemble.isleeched {         ensemble.leechpersistentstore { error in             if error != nil {                 print("cannot leech \(error!.localizeddescription)")                 completion(false)             }             else {                 print("leached!!")                 completion(true)             }         }     }     else {         ensemble.merge{ error in             if error != nil {                 print("cannot merge \(error!.localizeddescription)")                 completion(false)             }             else {                 print("merged!!")                 completion(true)                 //nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().postnotificationname("updated-db", object: nil)             }         }     } }  func persistentstoreensemble(_ ensemble: cdepersistentstoreensemble, didsavemergechangeswith notification: notification) {     managedobjectcontext.performandwait {         print("database updated icloud")         self.managedobjectcontext.mergechanges(fromcontextdidsave: notification notification) "updated-db"), object: nil)     } }  private func persistentstoreensemble(ensemble: cdepersistentstoreensemble!, globalidentifiersformanagedobjects objects: [anyobject]!) -> [anyobject]! {     return (objects nsarray).value(forkeypath: "uniqueidentifier") as! [anyobject] } 

i turned icloud drive off , following error when running app; cpu on 100%, memory , energy high.

message debugger: terminated due memory issue

when icloud drive on syncing , merging data following

could not load objective-c class information. reduce quality of type information available.

when investigating further instruments takes me following function in ensembles framework; dispatch_async(queue,^{ line more specifically.

#pragma mark merging store modification events  - (void)mergeeventswithcompletion:(cdecompletionblock)completion {     nsassert([nsthread ismainthread], @"mergeevents... called off main thread");      neweventuniqueid = nil;      // setup context accessing main store     nserror *error = nil;     nspersistentstorecoordinator *coordinator = [[nspersistentstorecoordinator alloc] initwithmanagedobjectmodel:managedobjectmodel];     nspersistentstore *persistentstore = [coordinator addpersistentstorewithtype:nssqlitestoretype configuration:nil url:storeurl options:self.persistentstoreoptions error:&error];     if (!persistentstore) {         [self failwithcompletion:completion error:error];         return;     }      self.managedobjectcontext = [[nsmanagedobjectcontext alloc] initwithconcurrencytype:nsprivatequeueconcurrencytype];     [self.managedobjectcontext performblockandwait:^{         self.managedobjectcontext.persistentstorecoordinator = coordinator;         self.managedobjectcontext.undomanager = nil;     }];      nsmanagedobjectcontext *eventstorecontext = self.eventstore.managedobjectcontext;      // integrate on background queue     dispatch_async(queue,^{         @try {             __block nserror *error;              // apply changes             bool integrationsucceeded = [self integrate:&error];             if (!integrationsucceeded) {                 [self failwithcompletion:completion error:error];                 return;             }              // if no changes, complete             __block bool haschanges;             [managedobjectcontext performblockandwait:^{                 haschanges = managedobjectcontext.haschanges;             }];             if (!haschanges) {                 [self completesuccessfullywithcompletion:completion];                 return;             }              // create id of new event             // register event in case of crashes             neweventuniqueid = [[nsprocessinfo processinfo] globallyuniquestring];             [self.eventstore registerincompleteeventidentifier:neweventuniqueid ismandatory:no];              // create merge event             cdeeventbuilder *eventbuilder = [[cdeeventbuilder alloc] initwitheventstore:self.eventstore];             eventbuilder.ensemble = self.ensemble;             cderevision *revision = [eventbuilder makeneweventoftype:cdestoremodificationeventtypemerge uniqueidentifier:neweventuniqueid];              // repair inconsistencies caused integration             bool repairsucceeded = [self repairwithmergeeventbuilder:eventbuilder error:&error];             if (!repairsucceeded) {                 [self failwithcompletion:completion error:error];                 return;             }              // commit (save) changes             bool commitsucceeded = [self commitwithmergeeventbuilder:eventbuilder error:&error];             if (!commitsucceeded) {                 [self failwithcompletion:completion error:error];                 return;             }              // save changes event context             __block bool eventsavesucceeded = no;             [eventstorecontext performblockandwait:^{                 bool isunique = [self checkuniquenessofeventwithrevision:revision];                 if (isunique) {                     [eventbuilder finalizenewevent];                     eventsavesucceeded = [eventstorecontext save:&error];                 }                 else {                     error = [nserror errorwithdomain:cdeerrordomain code:cdeerrorcodesaveoccurredduringmerge userinfo:nil];                 }                 [eventstorecontext reset];             }];             if (!eventsavesucceeded) {                 [self failwithcompletion:completion error:error];                 return;             }              // notify of save             [self.managedobjectcontext performblockandwait:^{                 if (didsaveblock) didsaveblock(managedobjectcontext, saveinfodictionary);             }];             saveinfodictionary = nil;              // complete             [self completesuccessfullywithcompletion:completion];         }         @catch (nsexception *exception) {             nsdictionary *info = @{nslocalizedfailurereasonerrorkey:exception.reason};             nserror *error = [nserror errorwithdomain:cdeerrordomain code:cdeerrorcodeunknown userinfo:info];             [self failwithcompletion:completion error:error];         }     }); }  

does know causing errors , and how can resolve them? seems keep looping on code, nsmanagedobjects keep getting duplicated.

ps: project worked fine in swift 2.2.


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