javascript - span tags not getting applied after using regular expression -

the following function working , noticing strange behavior. inside $("#mypanel").on('cellclick', function (event), not seeing highlighted class getting applied along span tags. see span tags applied following line of code:

html = html.replace(new regexp(records[i].concept_text, 'ig'), '<span style="color:' + color + ';">' + records[i].concept_text + '</span>');.

for example : <span style="background-color:#f3f315;"><span style="background-color:#f3f315;">myeloma</span></span>.

on other hand, jsfiddle doing same thing works fine here

what issue in code?

 this.mydocument = function (data_) {              var source = {                 localdata: data_,                 datafields: [{                     name: 'doc_content',                     type: 'string'                 }, {                     name: 'concept_text',                     type: 'string'                 }, {                     name: 'start',                     type: 'int'                 }, {                     name: 'stop',                     type: 'int'                 }],                 datatype: "array"              };               var dataadapter = new $.jqx.dataadapter(source, {                  loadcomplete: function (records) {                     var html;                     var color = '#ff0000';                      //get data                     var records = dataadapter.records;                     var length = records.length;                     console.log("checking length: "+length);// outputs 5                      (var = 0; < length; i++) {                     console.log("checking concepts here: " +records[i].concept_text);                     }                     html = "<div style='margin: 10px;'><pre>" + records[1].doc_content + "</pre></div>";                      (var = 0; < length; i++) {                        html = html.replace(new regexp(records[i].concept_text, 'ig'), '<span style="color:' + color + ';">' + records[i].concept_text + '</span>');                     }                      $("#doccontentpanel").html(html);                 },                 loaderror: function (xhr, status, error) { },                 beforeloadcomplete: function (records) {                  }             });             // perform data binding             dataadapter.databind();               $("#mypanel").jqxgrid({                  source: dataadapter,                 width: '122',                 height: '170',                  columns: [{                     text: 'concept(s)',                     datafield: 'concept_text',                     cellsalign: 'center',                     width: 100                 }, {                     text: 'note content',                     datafield: 'doc_content',                     hidden: true                 }                  ]             });              var panel = $("#doccontentpanel");              var content = panel.html();                panel.jqxpanel({                 width: '750',                 height: '500',                 scrollbarsize: 20             });               $("#mypanel").on('cellclick', function (event) {                    var value = event.args.value;                    // use regular expression account beginning/end of                   // input, arbitrary whitespace (including line feeds)                   // adjacent tags                   var regexp = new regexp('(^|>|\\s)(' + value + ')($|<|\\s)', 'g');                    var scrolltop;                    var highlighted = content.replace(                     regexp,                     '$1<span class="highlighted">$2</span>$3'                   );                    console.log ("check highlighted in click handler:" +highlighted);                   panel.jqxpanel('clearcontent');                   panel.jqxpanel('append', highlighted);                    // offset of last highlighted word relative                   // panel parent                   scrolltop = $('.highlighted:last', panel).position().top;                    // use jqxpanel api scroll word                   panel.jqxpanel('scrollto', 0, scrolltop);                  });          }; // end of mydocument function 


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