r - How to reduce the font size of a tooltip in rnvd3? -
i using rnvd3 packadge plot interactive multibarchart in shiny app, , tooltip of chart has big font size , reduce it.
here code:
library(shiny) library(rcharts) library(shinythemes) library(shinydashboard) ui <- navbarpage(title = "information", tabpanel(title = "graph", fluidrow( column(2), column(8, tags$br(), tags$h5("chart", style="font-weight: bold; font-size:20px", align = "center"), tags$br()) ), fluidrow( column(1), column(8, tags$br(), tags$h5("exemple", style="font-weight: bold; font-size:14px", align = "center"), tags$br(), showoutput("bar","nvd3")), column(1) ) ) ) server <- function(input,output, session) { output$bar <- renderchart2({ database2 <- cbind(cbind(c(100,110,140),c("2016-09-05","2016-09-05","2016-09-05")),c("product a","product b","product c")) database2[,1] <- as.numeric(database2[,1]) database2[,2] <- as.date(database2[,2],origin="1899-12-30") colnames(database2) <- c("price","date","key") database2 <- as.data.frame(database2) m1net_eb <- nplot(price ~ date, group = 'key', data = database2, type='multibarchart') m1net_eb$chart(margin = list(left=60,bottom=110,right=60)) m1net_eb$chart(forcey = 0) m1net_eb$set(linewidth = 1, width=1100 , height = 700) m1net_eb }) } shinyapp(ui=ui, server=server)
how reduce font size of tooltip in packdge? please help
just add
tags$head(tags$style(html(" .nvtooltip h3 { font-size:14px; } ")))
here full code.
library(shiny) library(rcharts) library(shinythemes) library(shinydashboard) ui <- navbarpage(title = "information", tabpanel(title = "graph", fluidrow( column(2), column(8, tags$br(), tags$h5("chart", style="font-weight: bold; font-size:20px", align = "center"), tags$br()) ), fluidrow( column(1), column(8, tags$br(), tags$h5("exemple", style="font-weight: bold; font-size:14px", align = "center"), tags$br(), showoutput("bar","nvd3")), column(1) ), tags$head(tags$style(html(" .nvtooltip h3 { font-size:14px; } "))) ) ) server <- function(input,output, session) { output$bar <- renderchart2({ database2 <- cbind(cbind(c(100,110,140),c("2016-09-05","2016-09-05","2016-09-05")),c("product a","product b","product c")) database2[,1] <- as.numeric(database2[,1]) database2[,2] <- as.date(database2[,2],origin="1899-12-30") colnames(database2) <- c("price","date","key") database2 <- as.data.frame(database2) m1net_eb <- nplot(price ~ date, group = 'key', data = database2, type='multibarchart') m1net_eb$chart(margin = list(left=60,bottom=110,right=60)) m1net_eb$chart(forcey = 0) m1net_eb$set(linewidth = 1, width=1100 , height = 700) m1net_eb }) } shinyapp(ui=ui, server=server)
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