node.js - ejs include on click -

i'm trying create dynamically included in ejs page (using <%- include('partials/content') %>) on node.js project. there way can create variable to-be-included page , change on button click?

let's assume partials/content file includes content like:

<h1>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h1> 

a file named partials/content2:

<h1>consectetur adipiscing elit<h1> 

your main template file wrap partials content <div> id result , include script file select <div> using var $result = $('#result'); have in variable. can register click handler on button. on click request wished template file , replace content.

main template:

<html> <head>    <script src=""></script> </head> <body>    <div id="result">       <%- include partials/content.ejs %>    </div>    <button id="change">change</button> <script>     var $result = $('#result');      $('#change').click(function() {        $result.load('/content2');     }); </script> </body> </html> 

then need controller on backend like:

app.get('/content2', function (req, res) {      res.render('partials/content2'); }); 


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