reactjs - Having trouble using Firebase v3 to host my React sample -
i new hosting react apps on firebase, appreciated. i've followed instructions on new v3 documentations @, unsure assets/files place public directory. felt documentation quite vague in regard.
here firebase.json:
{ "database": { "rules": "database.rules.json" }, "hosting": { "public": "public", "rewrites": [ { "source": "**", "destination": "/index.html" } ] } }
and directory structure below:
name of app -build -css -node_modules -public -scripts .firebaserc database.rules.json firebase.json gulpfile.js index.html package.json
i've tried copying entire contents of parent directory public folder no success. appreciated.
so after messing around few hours found out solution. since gulp minifies needed push main.js minified file under build along minified css folder public directory, , works. case closed.
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