elasticsearch - Why Elasicsearch query show partial results? -

i partial result search elasticsearch:

curl -xget '*/api/_search?q=name:foo' 

i get:

{   "took": 14,   "timed_out": false,   "_shards": {     "total": 204,     "successful": 204,     "failed": 0   },   "hits": {     "total": 543,     "max_score": 2.734601,     "hits": [ ....... 

and show 10 hits...why?

use , size, see documentation on elastic website.

click here go documentation

{     "from" : 0, "size" : 10,     "query" : {         "match" : { "name" : "foo" }     } } 

it defaults 0 , 10, reason you're getting 10 hits


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