drupal - Cannot duplicate mysql database using phpmyadmin export/import on same server -

i trying duplicate 1 of databases on remote bluehost server in order setup dev , stage environment drupal website. dev setup/populated , working fine, trying duplicate dev database. using phpmyadmin on windows (php 5.2.17, mysql 5.5.42). have done following steps:

  1. created site_stage database
  2. exported/dumped tables site_dev db compressed sql.gz file
  3. imported tables site_stage db

import fails $1064 error:

insert `cache_bootstrap` (`cid`, `data`, `expire`, `created`, `serialized`, `tags`, `checksum`) values ('system_list', 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[...]  #1064 - have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near '?' @ line 2  

thought maybe didn't length of value, deleted cache_bootstrap query uncompressed version of dump file (shouldn't need cache table anyways) , tried import again, time, failed following error:

create table if not exists `key_value` (   `collection` varchar(128) character set ascii not null default '' comment 'a named collection of key , value pairs.' `value` longblob not null comment 'the value.',   primary key (`collection`,`name`) ) engine=innodb default charset=utf8mb4 comment='generic key-value storage table. see state system for…';  #1064 - have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near '`value` longblob not null comment 'the value.',   primary key (`collection`,`nam' @ line 9  

i've read lot of '1064 error on import' threads, none of them , of them pertain moving sql data between servers. strange syntax errors copying tables 1 database on same server, same mysql version, etc. ideas? in adv.


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