testing - Jmeter thread per url -

i have 1 project test load balancers algorithms web cluster , decide use jmeter stuck since not experienced , on internet see different cases , scenarios not detailed described (steps hot achieve them).

in test environment have 5 generic websites (web1.com, web2.com, web3.com, web4.com , web5.com).

test cases want perform are:

case1: linear , proportional web load - other words want check web1 5 times in row web1 , web2 5x, web1,web2, web3 5x, then, web1-4 5x , on end 5 websites 5x. see how computer recurses , web nodes perform in proportional load. far know should done 5 different threads cant define url per website or time when start load other websites well. have tried dataset (cvs) can achieve parallel website check because in cvs can add 1 website under list...

case2: in case set own "random numbers" example send website check in "random order": web2,web2,web5,web1,web3,web4,web1,web1 ... reason because want simulate "real case" other words real "clicks end users" not linear... (i want keep "random list" because want perform same random check on several different lb algorithms).

i great full if have described steps or screen shots.

thanks lot!

the first: want loop if requests inside that:

testplan give give 1,1,2,1,2,3... want. have 2 options there: if want described, surround web1 last if loop. think want though, 5 users doing simultaneously.

the second easy: @ random controller. you'll put each of requests inside it, , inside loop.


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