spring mvc - how to upload multiple files with form data to database using angularjs -

this code uploading file nwant upload multiple files form data @ same time using spring mvc,please me how using spring , angularjs


  <div ng-controller = "myctrl">      <input type = "file"  file-model = "myfile"/>      <button ng-click = "uploadfile()">upload me</button>   </div>    <script>      var myapp = angular.module('myapp', []);          myapp.directive('filemodel', ['$parse', function ($parse) {         return {            restrict: 'a',            link: function(scope, element, attrs) {               var model = $parse(attrs.filemodel);               var modelsetter = model.assign;                element.bind('change', function(){                  scope.$apply(function(){                     modelsetter(scope, element[0].files[0]);                  });               });            }         };      }]);       myapp.service('fileupload', ['$http', function ($http) {         this.uploadfiletourl = function(file, uploadurl){            var fd = new formdata();            fd.append('file', file);             $http.post(uploadurl, fd, {               transformrequest: angular.identity,               headers: {'content-type': undefined}            })             .success(function(){            })             .error(function(){            });         }      }]);       myapp.controller('myctrl', ['$scope', 'fileupload', function($scope, fileupload){         $scope.uploadfile = function(){            var file = $scope.myfile;             console.log('file ' );            console.dir(file);             var uploadurl = "http://localhost:8080/hbdatabase/static/image";            fileupload.uploadfiletourl(file, uploadurl);         };      }]);    </script> 


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