eclipse - Running e4 RCP application on GTK2 -

this question continuation of attempts make e4 rcp application run on recent linux distros.

i starting rcp application following option:

--launcher.gtk_version  2 

the first launch fails , took me while figure out reason - missing xmi file:


how make workbench load without file first time?
there absolutely no traces on , why fails load.

the workbench.xmi produced when application gets closed first time. , don't chance of first time. manually produce file running application without --launcher.gtk_version 2 switch. having file in place makes application run fine gtk2. , trying achieve.

any on how overcome chicken-or-egg problem appreciated.

i have found problem, internal issue in app doing illegal things in workbenchwindowadvisor.prewindowopen(). once moved 'criminal' code workbenchwindowadvisor.postwindowopen(), problem gone. still have no idea why workbench.xmi file had such side effect, it's not relevant anymore.

just reminder, trying force e4 rcp application fall gtk2 because of swt , gtk3 full of bugs , it's hard understand who in this. frankly, think such versions neon shouldn't released public use.

what helped me resolve issue using remote debugging, 1 of cases when have no idea going on inside eclipse application.


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