jquery - How to debug this situation in javascript? -

when page loaded information loads ajax-request displayed, piece of dom dynamically generated. after in cases (i don't know why happens) part of dynamically loaded dom modified. so, when page loaded container present:

<div id = "container"></div> 

after ajax-request in looks following:

<div id = "container">     <p>some text</p>     <p>some text</p> </div> 

and if modification made, structure turns out this:

<div id = "container">     <p></p>     <p></p> </div> 

i need find out code makes modification.

i use dom-breakpoint if html static it's not case. idea pause execution right after html generated , put dom-breakpoint don't think me due following reasons:

  1. mysterious modification not happen often, have make procedure many times.
  2. pausing execution might alter sequence in different pieces of code works, might unable reproduce situation.

i can't use debug messages because there lot of js-code , have no idea modification made.

i feel there must straight way can't find it. grateful advise.


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