javascript - Highcharts - tooltip headerformat for 2 decimal places not working -

i trying configure tooltip of displays 2 decimal places, headerformat not seem wokring , keeps showing entire decimal places.

what going wrong here?

   {          "chart":{             "type":"line",           "height":40,           "width":40        },        "title":{             "text":null        },        "subtitle":{             "text":null        },        "xaxis":{             "categories":[              ]        },        "yaxis":{             "title":{                "enabled":true,              "text":"amount (dollars)",              "style":{                   "fontweight":"normal"              }           },           "plotlines":[                {                   "value":0,                 "width":1,                 "color":"#808080"              }           ]        },        "options":{             "legend":{                "enabled":false           }        },        "plotoptions":{           },        "series":[             {                "name":"total",              "data":[                   {                      "name":"apr'2016",                    "y":1372406438.2385998                 },                 {                      "name":"may'2016",                    "y":5301389724.7499                 },              {                  "name":"jun'2016",                "y":549467904.6918             },             {                  "name":"july'2016",                "y":549040695.1202999             },             {                  "name":"aug'2016",                "y":1160837116.1138             },             {                  "name":"sep'2016",                "y":22.7612             }          ],          "color":"#008ce6",          "marker":{               "enabled":false          },          "id":"series-3"       },       {            "name":"toal timely",          "data":[               {                  "name":"apr'2016",                "y":427101358.1748,                "month":"apr"             },             {                  "name":"may'2016",                "y":5191919648.9571,                "month":"may"             },             {                  "name":"jun'2016",                "y":288691855.262,                "month":"jun"             },             {                  "name":"july'2016",                "y":264281732.18769997,                "month":"july"             },             {                  "name":"aug'2016",                "y":853641906.2942,                "month":"aug"             },             {                  "name":"sep'2016",                "y":0,                "month":"sep"             }          ],          "color":"#4ca977",          "marker":{               "enabled":false          },          "id":"series-4"       },       {            "name":"total untimely",          "data":[               {                  "name":"apr'2016",                "y":945305080.0637999,                "month":"apr"             },             {                  "name":"may'2016",                "y":109470075.79279998,                "month":"may"             },             {                  "name":"jun'2016",                "y":260776049.4298,                "month":"jun"             },             {                  "name":"july'2016",                "y":284758962.93259996,                "month":"july"             },             {                  "name":"aug'2016",                "y":307195209.8196,                "month":"aug"             },             {                  "name":"sep'2016",                "y":22.7612,                "month":"sep"             }          ],          "color":"#e54343",          "marker":{               "enabled":false          },          "id":"series-5"       }    ],    "tooltip":{         "pointformat":"<b>{point.y}</b>",       "shared":true    } } 

add decimals point.y value.

"pointformat": "<b>{point.y:.2f}</b><br>", 



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