mysql - zabbix server cannot connect to database -

first, zabbix web gui can work, zabbix server stutus 'not running' enter image description here

it means mysql works correctly, because zabbix web can connect it.

next, checked zabbix server /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log, here details:

14329:20160913:145134.438 database down: reconnecting in 10 seconds 14329:20160913:145144.439 [z3001] connection database 'zabbix' failed: [0] not connect server: connection refused server running on host "localhost" (::1) , accepting tcp/ip connections on port 3306? received invalid response ssl negotiation: r

anyone can help?

solved. both zabbix-mysql , zabbix-postgresql installed. seems there conflicts. remove zabbix-postgresql, works.


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