ios - iTunes connect rejects my App after uploading because of missing privacy-access descriptions -

i want upload app itunes connect after uploading error message mail itunes, after scan description variables missing.

this app attempts access privacy-sensitive data without usage description. app's info.plist must contain nsphotolibraryusagedescription key string value explaining user how app uses data.

this app attempts access privacy-sensitive data without usage description. app's info.plist must contain nscamerausagedescription key string value explaining user how app uses data.

i using both features, that's ok, but: added variables localized infoplist.strings. , these seems work, because in simulator , iphone, both strings displayed correctly in system dialogs. didn't add strings file, because specified them in localized file, should ok. , localized file both packaged in app, head using finder.

is there else must add? still need add them file, although in localized file?

additional info: using latest xcode 8 gm build on macos safari.

are using admob? if answer google confirmed issue admob sdk. can read here.


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