unit testing - Running tests in single Python file with nose -

i'm using nose 1.3.7 anaconda 4.1.1 (python 3.5.2). want run unit tests in single file, e.g. foo.py. according documentation should able run:

nosetests foo.py 

but when this, nose runs tests in files in directory!

and if nose --help, usage documentation doesn't indicate there parameter. shows [options].

so can run tests in single file using nose?

i have standalone python 3.4 version , nosetests foo.py runs tests in foo.py , nosetests spam.py runs test in spam.py.

a plain nosetests command without option specified, runs tests in files names starting word test_ in directory.

here's quoting test discovery documentation specifies rules test discovery.the last line of documentation clarifies cause anomaly.

be aware plugins , command line options can change of rules.

i suspect (and may wrong) has how anaconda configures nose install.


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