PHP Smarty Tags isset referer Session -

i can't figure out missing. plan: if customer come homepage products, shall save link , customer shall able point.

if customer opens link directly, shall see link mainpage.

{php} $go_back = htmlspecialchars($_server['http_referer']); {/php} {if $go_back|strpos:"" === false}  $_session['refererurl'] = $go_back;  {elseif isset($smarty.session.refererurl)} <li id='primary_navbar-account'><a href='".$_session[refererurl]."'><i class='fa fa-home'></i> homepage</a></li> {else} <li id='primary_navbar-account'><a href=''><i class='fa fa-home'></i> homepage</a></li> {/if} 


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