php - Laravel Elixir Public Path -

how can change laravel elixir public path? change laravel root directory this:

enter image description here

but when execute command gulp show error:

fetching version source files...    - layout/assets/css/styles.css <-- not found    saving to...    - public/build 

i tried in gulpfile.js, doesn't work. =/

    elixir.config.publicdir = '../';  /*  |--------------------------------------------------------------------------  | elixir asset management  |--------------------------------------------------------------------------  |  | elixir provides clean, fluent api defining basic gulp tasks  | laravel application. default, compiling sass  | file our application, publishing vendor resources.  |  */  elixir(function(mix) {   //  mix.styles('styles.css', 'public/layout/assets/css')     mix.version(['../layout/assets/css/styles.css']); }); 

you can change destination path (and source path, optional parameter here set null) in mix.styles:

mix.styles('styles.css', 'layout/assets/css', null) 

i'm not sure folder structure is. when layout folder in public folder can of course change path public/layout/assets/css.


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