How to prevent Kendo Grid (ASP.NET MVC wrapper) from escaping HTML link in bound data? -

i have kendo data grid in mvc application. first column of data bound grid contains string includes html link. when grid loads in browser, html markup escaped , visible, rather rendering hyperlink.

how can change behavior?

<div> @(html.kendo().grid<manageprojectviewmodel>()     .name("grid")     .columns(columns =>     {         columns.bound(c => c.organizationname).width(150).format("");         columns.bound(c =>;         columns.bound(c => c.administratorname).width(150);         columns.bound(c => c.sponsorname).width(150);     })     .selectable(selectable => selectable         .mode(gridselectionmode.single))             .events(events => events.change("onchange").databound("initgrid"))     .sortable()     .datasource(datasource => datasource         .ajax()         .read(read => read.action("listprojects", "organization"))         .serveroperation(false)     )  ) </div> 

you should use .encoded(false); on column want display raw html


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