reactjs - url replaced but component not loading in react redux -

i redirecting application notfound url action if ajax return 401 dispatch(routeractions.push(constant.prefix+'notfound/')); url updated /notfound component not loading have refresh load notfound component.

here routes.js file code

<provider store={store}>     <router history={history}>         <route path="/admin" component={appbase} onenter={requireauth} >             <indexroute component={userslist} />             <route path="users" component={userslist}/>             <route path="product" component={productslist}/>         </route>         <route path="/admin" component={basepage}>             <route path="login" component={login}/>             <route path="notfound" component={notfound}/>         </route>         <route path="*" component={notfound}/>     </router> </provider>, 

all routes working fine expect redirect /notfound action using


here action

import axios 'axios'; import { routeractions,push } 'react-router-redux';  export function fetchdata() {     return function(dispatch) {         dispatch(requestdata());             return axios.get(user_list_url)             .then(function(res){                 dispatch(receivedata(;             })             .catch(function(res){                 dispatch(receiveerror(;                 dispatch(push('/admin/notfound'));             });     } }; 


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