scala splitting json into multipe objects if array valued filed is found -

i need split json object in scala multiple objects if array valued fields found.

input json

{ "name" : "test" "age" : 22, "courses" : [math, english] }

should split into

[{ "name" : "test" "age" : 22, "courses" : "math" }, { "name" : "test" "age" : 22, "courses" : "english" }]

are there frameworks support kind of splitting. thanks!

its best if model json scala object , work it. in example using jackson library , addon module scala. use appropriate json library. here modelling json case class using convenient json case class deserialization ability provided jackson scala module

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.objectmapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.defaultscalamodule import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.scalaobjectmapper   val mapper = new objectmapper() scalaobjectmapper mapper.registermodule(defaultscalamodule)   case class a(name: string, age: int, courses: array[string]){def tojson = mapper.writevalueasstring( => a(name,age,array(e))))}  val json = """{ "name" : "test", "age" : 22, "courses" : ["math", "english"] }"""  val ana = mapper.readvalue(json, classof[a])   ana.tojson 


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