javascript - Create new view at "Admin Dashboard" Template from ExtJs 6 -

i'm starting extjs 6 .

i installed "admin dashboard" template in application , i'm having trouble creating new menu item , see opens up.

which steps need add item without build application , avoid "[ext.create] unrecognized class name / alias: widget. [...]" error ?

well, extjs has pretty long learning curve, has pretty documentation , tutorials. should check out core concepts, architecture , tutorial

putting aside, seeing [ext.create] unrecognized class name / alias: widget. [...] error, because ext can't find class want create.

every time want create class using ext.create("my_app.view.my_class") should make sure javascript file containing my_app.view.my_class gets loaded.

usually can use requires in application.js or view/main.js load js file

ext.define('my_app.view.main', {     extend: 'ext.window.window',     requires: ['my_app.view.my_class'],     xtype: 'mainview' }); 

please note, my_app.view.main translates extjs folder structure meaning my_app.view.main class should defined in app/view/main.js (this file extjs try load when using requires: ["my_app.view.main"])

and again, should check out extjs docs , guides


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